Trouble in APNU camp, PNCR says purported election for new executive not valid

From left to right in the photograph are Courdel Joseph, Executive member of NFA; Keith Scott, Leader of NFA; Tabitha Sarabo-Halley, MP, Leader of GNB; Vincent Henry, MP, Leader of GAP; Jaipaul Sharma, Leader of ERJP and Errol Ross, Chair of GAP.

-other parties disagree, Vincent Henry of GAP is new chair

Battling internal opposition with his party’s congress fast approaching, PNCR Leader Aubrey Norton faced another serious challenge when the APNU coalition the party had been instrumental in forming announced it had held a meeting and that Vincent Henry of GAP was the new chairman.

The stunning development came to notice after the PNCR issued a statement yesterday declaring that any purported election for A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) was null and void. APNU had been the brainchild of former PNCR Leader and President David Granger. It  was formed in July 2011 in order to contest the 2011 general elections  and in addition to its main force, the PNCR, comprised smaller parties such as the Guyana Action Party, the Justice for All Party, the National Democratic Front and the Working People’s Alliance. APNU joined up with the AFC in 2015 and unseated the PPP/C government but before and after it lost office in 2020, it had been in disarray.

Yesterday, the PNCR, which said it held the position of chair and Norton was in the post, declared that he did not send out any notice for an APNU meeting or elections.