Twenty-seven Afro-Guyanese groups get funding from gov’t for development initiatives

Rojeria McWatt representative of the Afro-Guyanese Union (DPI photo)

Twenty-seven Afro Guyanese community groups from various regions in Guyana were yesterday granted funding for their developmental endeavours. This initiative by the Government of Guyana, marks the second round of transfer payments under governmental auspices, according to the Department of Public Information (DPI).

 In a conversation with DPI, Dr. Ruackel Easton, representing the Association of People of African Descent, expressed gratitude for the allocation, highlighting plans to utilize the funds for a comprehensive health outreach programme targeting diverse demographics. Dr. Easton affirmed, “The funds will be allocated towards a health outreach programme, reaching as many demographics as possible. Additionally, we have several other projects lined up, and with the support of the Government, we can now realize these initiatives.”