From steel pan to guitar, music is integral to R&B artist Cassie Adams

Cassie the musician

The first instrument Cassie Adams learned to play was the steel pan, while she was at the Bishops’ High School (BHS). She credited that instrument as the tool that helped ground her while she was dealing with the stress of being a high school student.

She mentioned that coming from BHS, there was a lot of pressure to excel academically and the steel pan served as a recreational tool to help alleviate some of this pressure. Additionally, she turned to the instrument to process and destress from any conflicts she had with her friends at school.

The instrument did not only serve as a tool for stress relief, it also helped Adams develop a love for music. At 19, she received her first guitar as a birthday gift. Her dad, who is also a musician, showed her the basics, but due to his busy work schedule, Adams learned the rest from YouTube. Music became a core part of her life. “I don’t know who I would’ve been or what I would’ve been without music,” she expressed. She added that many of her academic peers regretted not finding a recreational activity to explore life outside of academia, with some even experiencing mental breakdowns due to academic pressures. Music helped balance her life.