Two single mothers receive homes from Men on Mission initiative

Two women are counting their blessings and are full of gratitude after receiving the keys to their much-needed newly constructed homes.

According to a release last week from the NGO, Men on Mission (MOM), it handed over two newly constructed homes to two single mothers in regions Three and Four, Bhagwattie Ghirao and Bibi Arjune. These two women, who the release noted have been facing “immense challenges”, are the latest beneficiaries of the MOM initiative, which includes constructing homes for vulnerable persons, including the elderly and single mothers.

Bibi Arjune, of Mon Repos, East Coast of Demerara, a 64-year-old single parent and cancer survivor, received the keys to her new home in a handover ceremony attended by the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC.

Arjune, who works as a domestic worker, lost her home over a year ago after it collapsed. She reached out to the Men on Mission initiative for assistance, and her request was granted. On the verge of tears, Bibi thanked MOM for her new home and expressed deep gratitude for the support.

In his remarks,  Nandlall commended the Men on Mission initiative for its impactful work. “Men are showcasing their talent while making a philanthropic and charitable contribution towards the upliftment of our society,” he stated. He added, “I would like to recognise the Men on Mission for the sterling work they have done throughout the length and breadth of our country. Today marks another remarkable accomplishment of the MOM.” Nandlall extended congratulations to Arjune, acknowledging the significance of this gesture. “Congratulations to Ms. Arjune for being the beneficiary of this simple but important gesture.”

The other recipient, 47-year-old Bhagwattie Ghirao, of Belle West, Canal Number 2, West Bank of Demerara, received the keys to the other house. She too faced significant hardships, having lost both her husband and son. She currently lives with her two daughters and works as a domestic worker to support her family. Her late husband had helped her purchase the land, and she managed to build a fence around it.

When she learned about the President’s promise to provide housing for single parents and mothers, she wrote a letter to him, which her daughter delivered. She was overjoyed when she was contacted and told a house would be built for her.

Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd Souvenir speaking at the handover ceremony, congratulated Ghirao on her new home while assuring, “We are here to support you, the Men on Mission is happy to support you.”

According to the release, these new homes symbolise not only personal triumphs for both women but also stand as a testament to the collective efforts of men who are dedicated to uplifting vulnerable women in Guyana

The Men on Mission initiative aims to combat toxic masculinity while fostering a supportive environment for men. Through mentoring and humanitarian engagement, the initiative promotes integrity, productivity, and accountability within communities, the release added.