Two single mothers receive homes from Men on Mission initiative

Two women are counting their blessings and are full of gratitude after receiving the keys to their much-needed newly constructed homes.

According to a release last week from the NGO, Men on Mission (MOM), it handed over two newly constructed homes to two single mothers in regions Three and Four, Bhagwattie Ghirao and Bibi Arjune. These two women, who the release noted have been facing “immense challenges”, are the latest beneficiaries of the MOM initiative, which includes constructing homes for vulnerable persons, including the elderly and single mothers.

Bibi Arjune, of Mon Repos, East Coast of Demerara, a 64-year-old single parent and cancer survivor, received the keys to her new home in a handover ceremony attended by the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall SC.