How the Cost of Living is affecting people

Delroy Adams

Part 79

Stabroek News spoke to members of the public in Kingston, Georgetown about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. The following are their comments:

Interviews and photos by Subhana Shiwmangal

Delroy Adams

Delroy Adams, a 35-year-old self-employed man said: “I find that the prices for food items are not stable. I try not to complain about the high prices but to cope with the cost of living instead. I know the cost of living is really tough on people… I’m self-employed. I fry chips and walk and sell them. Sometimes I do part-time work in the interior to make ends meet. Right now, I’m thinking to go in the interior to make some money because the prices for plantains and other items are very expensive in the markets. For example, a pound of plantains a couple months back cost $160; recently I saw the market selling a pound of plantain for $240, about couple days ago a pound cost $280. The cost for plantain is still expensive for people who is doing a small hustle like me. A pound of sweet potatoes a few days ago cost $140; now a pound of sweet potatoes cost $150. The government should implement a stable price for food items or place price control so people can know what they are dealing with. “