New housing, retail development project set for East Coast Demerara

Trinuyana Investments Inc’s mixed-use development project is aimed at addressing the growing demand for high-quality housing and commercial retail facilities for expatriates and young professionals. The $120 million project, situated on a 16.5-acre plot of land on the East Coast  Demerara, will feature townhouses, offices, a supermarket, and shopping plaza.

According to the company’s project summary, posted on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s website, the development is designed with green and smart technology, meeting the country’s Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards, as well as the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11 for sustainable cities and communities.

The summary stated that the project will be managed by a team led by a project manager, and an independent consultant will ensure compliance with construction and environmental requirements. The development will be divided into four stages: the design, pre-construction, construction, and operation.

According to the project timeline, the design phase will take three months to complete, followed by a two-month pre-construction phase. The construction phase is expected to last one year, with 150-200 construction workers working full time. The operation phase is expected to have a design life of 100+ years.

The project also aims to ensure compliance with regulatory approvals from various agencies, including the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority, the Central Housing and Planning Authority, and the EPA, the summary said.

A social impact assessment conducted by the project team concluded that the project will have a significantly positive societal benefit, providing improved housing and commercial retail facilities for the community. It was also noted that while there may be short-term temporary construction-related impacts, these can be mitigated through effective traffic and transport management.

The project is expected to create employment opportunities for local residents and provide a more advanced healthcare facility and services under operations. The EPA has already screened the proposed construction of the project, clearing the way for its implementation.

Previously, Trinuyana Investments Inc, a consortium of Guyanese and Trinidadian investors, commenced another significant project at Ogle, an AC Marriott Hotel. The construction for this project is not yet complete.

A Google map image of the proposed site, posted on the EPA’s project summary page, revealed that the plot for this new project is some distance away from the AC Marriott Hotel and near the construction site of Exxon Mobil Guyana’s new headquarters.