Storm knocks out runway lights at CJIA

A GPL crew assisting with trying to resolve the problem. (GPL photo)
A GPL crew assisting with trying to resolve the problem. (GPL photo)

—flights diverted to other jurisdictions

Operations at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport late last night were at a standstill and incoming flights were diverted to other jurisdictions after heavy rains knocked out power at the terminal.

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill told Stabroek News: “Yesterday afternoon, the Timehri area experienced intense rainfall with thunder and lightning which damaged several GPL and CJIA transformers.”

He said as a result, the airport runway lighting became inoperable.

 In a follow up statement the CJIA said the  runway is equipped with two independent circuits, each of which can facilitate aircraft landings.

“Regrettably, both the primary and alternate circuits were impacted,” CJIA said. It added that the airport’s maintenance team with the support of GPL are currently on the ground, working to rectify the issues.

All incoming flights have been diverted to ensure the safety of all.

Meanwhile, Edghill explained that an American Airlines flight had to be diverted to Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago while Jet Blue went to San Juan Puerto Rico.

An Inter-Caribbean Airlines flight returned to Barbados.

Esghill said that crew time hours and other flights airline regulations would determine when the flights will arrive but that the emergency crews are working around the clock to fix the problem .