Why Amanza Walton-Desir might just be the leader Guyana needs

Dear Editor,

As we approach the 22nd Biennial Congress of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), the stakes for our beloved Guyana could not be higher. In these transformative times, where Guyana is on the world stage, we require a leader of extraordinary vision, unwavering integrity, and a profound commitment to justice and unity. That leader is Amanza Walton-Desir. Her remarkable advocacy for the residents of Caneview and Hillfoot, whose homes were bulldozed, is an example of her leadership, compassion, and dedication to the people of Guyana. When the bulldozers came, leaving families in despair and without shelter, Amanza was there. She didn’t just offer words of sympathy; she took immediate, tangible action to support those affected. Her response was both swift and comprehensive, demonstrating her deep empathy and commitment to justice.

Amanza provided not only legal representation to fight for the rights of these displaced families but also essential support to help them through the crisis. She organized the distribution of clothing and foodstuff, ensuring that no one went hungry or without basic necessities. Her presence brought hope to a community that felt abandoned and hopeless. I vividly recall seeing Amanza on the ground, tirelessly working alongside the residents. She listened to their stories, offered guidance, and helped them chart a path forward. Her genuine concern and dedication were palpable. She coordinated with local organizations to provide temporary housing solutions. Her ability to mobilize resources and people in such a short time was truly impressive.

Amanza didn’t stop at immediate relief. She provided a way forward for the residents of Caneview and Hillfoot, advocating for long-term solutions and working to ensure that their voices were heard at the highest levels of government. She helped organize community meetings, empowering the residents to take collective action and stand up for their rights. Her legal expertise was instrumental in challenging the government’s actions and seeking justice for the affected families. Her leadership during this crisis is a testament to her unwavering commitment to the people of Guyana. Amanza Walton-Desir is not just a leader in title; she is a leader in action. Her ability to provide both immediate relief and long-term advocacy showcases her exceptional skills and compassion.

In Amanza Walton-Desir, we have a leader who will stand up for the vulnerable, fight for justice, and work tirelessly to ensure that every Guyanese has a voice. Her actions speak louder than words, and her dedication to the people is unparalleled. Amanza Walton-Desir’s vision for Guyana is inspiring. She sees a nation where opportunity is accessible to all, where justice is upheld for every citizen, and where our rich diversity is celebrated as a strength. She understands that our nation’s future hinges on building a society that is inclusive, prosperous, and just.

As we look towards the upcoming Congress, I urge the PNCR delegates to cast their votes for Amanza Walton-Desir. She embodies the leadership, integrity, and vision that Guyana needs now more than ever. A vote for Amanza is a vote for a brighter, more united, and prosperous Guyana. Let us come together to support a leader who truly represents the values and aspirations of our people. In these critical times, we have the opportunity to elect a leader who can guide us towards a future of hope and possibility. Let us seize this moment and choose Amanza Walton-Desir as the leader of the PNCR and the leader Guyana needs now.


Rennie Parris