GBA’s National Novices Championship punches off Friday

The Guyana Boxing Association’s (GBA) eventful year continues when the National Novices Championship punches off on June 13 at the National Gymnasium on Mandela Avenue. Spread across three days (June 13, 14, and 15), the championship will see at least seven gyms in action. Novice boxers from Forgotten Youth Foundation, the Guyana Defence Force, the Guyana Police Force, Pace and Power, Vergenoegen, New Amsterdam Academy, the Guyana Police Force, and Republicans will showcase their skills and battle for supremacy. Ahead of the championship, GBA Technical Director and administrator of the annual programme, Terrence Poole, stated, “This is the breeding ground and starting point for many boxers in the sport. This is where we identify future and potential talents, because often this is where they start their respective careers.”

“We are expecting a lot of excitement because most of the boxers will be new to the sport and, though not technically correct, are very eager and enthusiastic. After the event, we will identify the respective talents and call them to camps and trials so that they can get more specialised and experienced training. This is where we look to the future, and we have discovered many talented boxers in this tournament throughout the years,” Poole noted.

On the other hand, GBA President Steve Ninvalle pointed out, “This is our ‘year one’ in the development of boxing. This is our nursery, the stage where we plan for our future by unearthing new talents and beginning the eventual and natural process of transition. The Novices Championship holds an innate importance in the grand scheme of our developmental system and should not be overlooked in any way but viewed as an example and opportunity for the future generations of pugilists to make their mark and seek recognition in the sport.” He concluded by explaining, “The GBA remains steadfast in its pursuit of excellence in the discipline by building on existing programmes and by implementing modern standards and practices that are proven and respected by the global boxing community. The nursery is vital in this regard, and we will continue to work and support its advancement given its empirical value, which has led to Guyana maintaining its dominance in the English-speaking Caribbean region.”