First International Day of Play hosted

A chance to play (Ministry of Human Services and Social Security photo)

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MoHSSS) and the Child Care and Protection Agency, yesterday announced the hosting of the first International Day of Play for children across Guyana at daycare facilities, and at the Guyana Women’s Leadership Institute, which saw hundreds of children from schools and daycare centres, parents and caregivers, enjoying a play experience blended with learning.

This inaugural event – International Day of Play 2024 under the theme: “Children Grow, Learn and Develop through Play,” was made possible through a collaboration with UNICEF Guyana and the Government of Canada,  a MoHSSS release stated.

The release pointed out that this was the first time a symposium revolving around play for parents and caregivers was hosted as part of the inaugural event facilitated by UNICEF in collaboration with the Child Care and Protection Agency.