Berbicians have for too long been taken for granted by bigwigs in the PPP

Dear Editor,

The situation in Berbice with the epidemic of dengue outbreaks affecting citizens there should be a significant priority for this PPP government and with the shortage of test kits at government facilities throughout Berbice (test kits are invaluable in detecting dengue), the shortage of gloves and wipes for countertops, the lack of proper fogging to kill mosquitos , the slapdash  road repairs leaving water and mosquitos in people’s  yards, lack of proper drain cleaning and the poor quality of regional leadership are all contributing to the dengue nightmare which is affecting those citizens – many of them PPP supporters. Mr. PPP should watch out – elections are next year  and if Mr. PPP thinks that people have short memories – think again! Cuffy was from Berbice and by 1763 he and his comrades had reached the breaking point – think again!

Editor, the people of Berbice have for too long been taken for granted by the bigwigs in the PPP and they think that their supporters will put up with nonsense forever and ever as Berbice languishes with no real job opportunities; no real private sector growth;  no real water and electricity which those folks can be comfortable with;  no real recreation  and relaxation comfort zones for their children; no real policing to curtail the upsurge in criminal activities and maleficence; no real scrutiny of so- called “contractors” who are commissioned to build roads, schools and other entities so the people of Berbice can have better lives 

Editor,  the lights going out at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport is just another example of this government’s approach to the comfort zone of Guyanese – if our people are subjected to hellish conditions just to fly into Guyana with planes having to divert somewhere else because of ineptitude, confusion and downright “don’t give a damn” attitudes and the citizens of Berbice are faced with  the hellish dengue fever scare with obviously the same attitudes – we have to come to the only conclusion possible and that is this PPP government should be held accountable,  especially at the upcoming elections. 

Yours sincerely,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr.)