Design of Hope-like canal for Region 3 almost complete – Mustapha

A resident of Bagotville raising an issue (Ministry of Agriculture photo)

-Canal No. 1 pump station to be completed by the end of July

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha has disclosed that the design for the massive Hope-like Canal to be constructed in Region Three will be completed soon.

According to a Ministry of Agriculture release, this disclosure was made during a community engagement in Bagotville on the West Bank of Demerara yesterday, where the minister met with residents and farmers who raised had issues during a recent public engagement with Vice President, Bharrat Jagdeo. He was accompanied by Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, along with other technical officers from the ministries of Agriculture and Public Works, and regional officials.

As he spoke to the gathering about some of the planned interventions to improve the region’s drainage and irrigation system, Mustapha said that the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) is working to have the design completed so that the construction can commence.