Music workshop hears of plans for steel pan festival

A scene from the workshop
A scene from the workshop

The Unit of Allied Arts hosted its Music Content and Methodology Workshop yesterday at the National Racket Centre and participants heard about plans for a steel pan festival.

A release from the Unit, which comes under the Ministry of Education,  said that the event served as a gathering point for music educators, enthusiasts, and professionals, fostering a day of discussions, interactive sessions, and collaborative learning.

Led by experts in the field, the release said that the workshop provided participants with insights into various facets of music content and methodology. Topics covered included effective curriculum development, innovative teaching techniques, assessment and evaluation methodologies, integration of music across disciplines, and considerations of cultural diversity.

Nicholas Fraser, Head of the Unit, highlighted its ongoing efforts to expand music programmes across Guyana, currently spanning 18 schools. He also shared plans for the upcoming steel pan festival called ‘Amity,’ scheduled for late June, which aims to showcase students’ skills. Fraser also adverted to the implementation of a steel-band programme and upcoming initiatives such as steel-band camps and collaborations with UNESCO through Kross Kolor Records.

Fraser also discussed ongoing discussions with the Peace Corps to supply Guyana with volunteers dedicated to teaching music, illustrating the Unit’s commitment to enhancing music education nationwide.

Sauda Kadir, Superintendent of Examinations at the Ministry of Education, emphasized the importance of music education and voiced the hope that participation in music examinations, such as CSEC, would increase following the workshop. She emphasized the role of music in fostering creativity and analytical skills.

Also present was Music Coordinator at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), Althea Hamilton-Wintz, who commended the present teachers for their commitment to bettering their delivery of musical education to their students.

Attendees were immersed in hands-on activities, group discussions, and networking opportunities, the release added.