Kaituma man charged with murdering woman

Silos France
Silos France

Silos France, a 27-year-old gold miner of Port Kaituma, North West District (NWD) was charged yesterday with the murder of Paulette Edwards.

At about 11:00 hrs yesterday, the defendant appeared before Magistrate  Rabindranauth Singh to answer the charge.

He was not required to plead and was remanded to prison until 06th August, 2024.

Paulette Edwards

Edwards’ headless body was discovered last week Friday in a state of decomposition in Catwalk, Port Kaituma.

This newspaper learnt that Edwards, a mother of three and a sales representative at a Chinese supermarket, had apparently suffered physical abuse at the hands of Silus with whom she had been in a relationship for about a year.

Meisha Glen, Edwards’ cousin, told Stabroek News that Edwards and Silus recently attended court at Matthews Ridge for a domestic violence issue. Silus was expected to be charged, she said, but Edwards asked the magistrate to be lenient with him.