Basic amenities lacking at Queen’s College boys’ washroom

Dear Editor,

On Father’s Day, I attended a concert at the prestigious Queen’s College and encountered a deeply disheartening situation. As I wandered the grounds of this esteemed institution, admiring the pictures of top-achieving students, the well-kept grass, the sign board donated by the Class of 1986-1993, and the historical marker indicating the school’s establishment in 1844, I felt a sense of pride and respect for the school’s long-standing legacy.

However, nature called urgently, and what followed was a series of unfortunate events. I first went to the boys’ washroom, only to find it lacked toilet paper. Desperate, I checked the girls’ washroom and found it stocked with toilet paper. Returning to the boys’ washroom, I was appalled to find a toilet without a seat, the seat lying on the floor next to it. After using the toilet, I discovered there was no water to flush it, no bucket to assist in flushing, and no soap to wash my hands. Worst of all, there was no water in the sink to wash my hands, nor any hand sanitizer available.

I had to leave the washroom without flushing, without washing my hands, and with a considerable amount of evidence of my presence left behind. I felt immense pity for the next person who would use that facility, knowing it was the only one available. Editor, how can the top school in our country, with a legacy spanning over 150 years, lack basic sanitary supplies like toilet paper? How can it not have a proper toilet seat, functioning water for flushing, and handwashing facilities? This experience raises serious questions about the maintenance and management of the school’s facilities.

I am willing to donate toilet paper to help address this issue. It’s disheartening to think that such a reputable institution is failing in providing basic amenities. This incident has taught me a hard lesson. From now on, I will always carry toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and a bucket of water whenever I venture out in George-town.


Anthony Pantlitz