La Penitence construction worker charged with armed robbery

Terrence Wills
Terrence Wills

Thirty-nine-year-old construction labourer, Terrence Wills, of Lot 217 Main Road, La Penitence, Georgetown, appeared before Chief Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the Georgetown Magis-trate’s Court yesterday where he was charged with two counts of armed robbery.

It was alleged that on June 11, at Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, he stole one gold chain valued $200,000 belonging to Marcia Hilliman.

It was also alleged that on June 3, at Brickdam, Stabroek, Georgetown, while armed with a knife, he robbed Errol Jodhan of a gold chain and pendant valued $505,000.

Wills pled not guilty to both charges.

Attorney-at-law Stacy Goodings, who represented Wills, told the court that a search was done at the home of her client and nothing was found, she also assured that he was not a flight risk

However, the prosecutor objected to bail, asking the magistrate to consider the weapon used to commit the offence. The court also heard that one of the victims has known the accused for over two years, and that Jodhan had positively identified Wills as his attacker.

The magistrate concurred with the prosecutor’s arguments and refused bail. Wills was remanded to prison and the matter adjourned to July 3 for statements.