Shot Mon Repos girl still in ICU

While police investigations continue into the shooting incident at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, on Saturday night, the six-year-old girl who was wounded in the head remains in critical condition in the intensive care unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

The child was shot in the head on Saturday night and several persons have been questioned by police in relation to the incident. A resident told Stabroek News yesterday that there has been a high police presence in the village. It has been reported that there was a shooting incident at a “wedding house” that may have led to the child being injured from a stray bullet. The resident also mentioned that the loud music at the “wedding house” prevented residents from hearing the gunshot.

According to a Guyana Police Force release, a team from the Criminal Investigation Department on Sunday morning, visited the child’s home at Mon Repos, where she lives with her parents and sister and examined the bedroom where the incident occurred. There, detectives observed a suspected gunshot entry in the roof, which appeared to have projected inwards in the vicinity of the child’s bed. No spent shell was found in or around the house.