CHPA single window system to cut applications process from three months to 35 days -Cummings

Fareed Amin speaking at the launch

By Abigail Headley

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) yesterday launched the Electronic Planning and Development Single Win-dow System, a groundbreaking initiative designed to facilitate easy access for local and international investors to submit applications online from anywhere in the world.

The enabling Act,  which was passed in the National Assembly in July last year, aims to simplify and streamline the process of applying for planning permits, reducing bureaucracy and increasing investment in the country. The system will allow applicants to submit electronic applications, track progress, and receive automated decisions from government agencies.

At the launch, Chairman of the Board of the CHPA Emmanuel Cummings noted that the Single Window Initiative is a key project to transform Guyana into a developed country, as envisioned by President Irfaan Ali. He highlighted that the initiative aims to simplify the application process by reducing it from three months to 35 days, at minimum.