Head of GPHC Neurosurgery Dep’t defends handling of Deandra Liverpool case

Dr. Amarnauth Dukhi

By Khadidja Ba

Addressing accusations of negligence and medical malpractice, Dr. Amarnauth Dukhi, Head of the GPHC’s Neurosurgery Department, yesterday emphasized the critical importance of adhering to standard operating procedures and for patients to follow directives given by medical health professionals.

He also urged the immediate cessation of exploiting medical cases for personal gain as well as encouraged more attention to be given to the effects of Social-Media on the mental health of persons.

Diane London, mother of the late Deandra Liver-pool, has challenged the account presented by Georgetown Public Hospi-tal Corporation (GPHC) on the death of her daughter in their press release dated June 13th, 2024. This dispute arose following the circulation of a video on social media, prompting GPHC to initiate an internal investigation aimed at offering clarity and transparency to the public.

Dr. Dukhi, emphasized the thoroughness of the hospital’s investigation. “We conducted a thorough investigation of the hospital records. That is what is legally binding and that is what describes our encounters with each and every patient that we face on a daily basis,” he stated during a press conference yestefay.