Hughes to run for leadership of AFC

Attorney Nigel Hughes will contest for the leadership of the Alliance For Change (AFC) on June 29 after striking a deal with David Patterson who will accept the nomination for chairman of the party.

Hughes’ decision to contest will mark a return to active politics after he stepped back from the party during the APNU+AFC term in office. Yesterday’s surprise deal will be seen as countering the ambitions of Sherod Duncan in the race for leadership of the AFC after former leader Khemraj Ramjattan decided not to contest again.

In a joint release  yesterday with the tagline `Better must come’ which has been frequently used by Hughes, he and Patterson outlined the contours of their partnership and praised each other.

They said that instead of competing, they had decided on a different approach which they both feel would serve the best interests of the AFC.

In the joint release, Patterson and Hughes thanked the groups with the party for nominating them and stated that after “lengthy and robust” discussions, they arrived at the opinion that in the best interests of the AFC and country, they ought not to compete against each other, but instead, present a united front.

The agreement arrived at is as follows: Hughes will accept the nomination for Leader of the Alliance For Change while Patterson will decline nomination for that position. Patterson will instead, accept the nomination for Chairperson of the Party. 

Patterson stated: “I fully endorse Nigel Hughes as the best candidate to lead the AFC at this time as we head into the 2025 Regional and General Elections. I am confident that with his leadership, our victory at the polls will be guaranteed.” 

Hughes stated:  “I am deeply appreciative of the great sacrifice made by David Patterson to decline the nomination for Leader. David has given outstanding service both at the party and national levels. I look forward to our joint united collaboration in building a stronger AFC and a modern Guyana.  The AFC is and has always been the most inclusive political party and I am humbled to accept the nomination to lead this great party .” 

Both candidates reiterated their gratitude to the members of the AFC for the nominations and “look forward to their continued support.” 

The AFC on June 12  announced that its nominations process which was opened on May 15 had closed on June 12.

According to a release from the party, the following individuals have been nominated for office in the following positions. For Leader – Sherod Duncan was nominated by 15 groups; David Patterson nominated by 2 groups; and Nigel Hughes nominated by 2 groups.

For the position of Chairman, four persons were nominated: Juretha Fernandes, Cathy Hughes, David Patterson and Sherod Duncan.

For Vice-Chairman, seven persons were nominated: Cathy Hughes, Arnold Sukhraj, Haimraj Rajkumar, David Patterson, Dereck Basdeo, Mark Goring and Michael Carrington.

For General Secretary there were four nominations: Ricky Ramsaroop, Dereck Basdeo, Raphael Trotman, and Cathy Hughes.

According to the release, these key executive positions will be complemented by 12 elected members of the National Executive Committee (NEC). There are more than 60 members vying for the NEC.

The AFC National Conference will take place on Saturday June 29, and will see over 285 delegates representing the 10 regions in Guyana, the USA, Canada, UK, the Carib-bean, the Women For Change (WFC), and the Youth For Change (YFC) in attendance and participating. Scores of observers are also slated to attend, the release added.

Seen as a potential leader of the AFC,  Hughes resigned as AFC Chairman in April 2016 and did not thereafter play a prominent role in politics. His decision to run for leader of the AFC comes amid increasing infighting in the main opposition PNCR which will hold its congress from June 28-30.