Wauna man dies in ATV crash

Devon Moralis
Devon Moralis

The police say  they are investigating a fatal accident which occurred at about 3.30 pm  on Tuesday on the Ifill Access Road/ Trail at Eyelash Backdam, North West District, Region #1, involving an unregistered All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) which resulted in the death of  39-year-old Devon Moralis.

In a statement yesterday, the police said that inquiries disclosed that Moralis,  from Wauna, Region #1, was driving alone en route to Provi-dence Backdam when he lost control of the ATV while negotiating a left bend on the trail at a fast rate.

The ATV that Devon Moralis lost control of

The ATV ended up on the southern side of the road whilst Moralis was flung to the northern side. Public-spirited persons alerted the Police, and ranks responded immediately.

The ranks were accompanied by Doctor Amadi of Matthews Ridge Public Hospital, who examined the body and pronounced the victim dead at the scene. The body is at the Port Kaituma Public Hos-pital’s Mortuary, awaiting a Post-Mortem Examination.