Minister of Education’s video showing school’s construction in progress confirms workers not following safe work practices

Dear Editor,

Once again the Minister of Education has posted a video showing the progress in the building of a school that shows workers not following safe work practices. The Ministry of Public Works and the Ministry of Labour are clearly not on the same page when it comes to safety. It is obviously not due to a lack of awareness. The Minister of Labour made it clear on national news the importance of occupational health and safety. He even sent people to inspect various work sites. If his peers are not making safety a priority then the attitude of the workers will remain noncommittal. Where is the concern for the workers? Where is the level of responsibility expected of those in charge of a Ministry? This is why teachers are still on strike and infrastructure projects are not getting completed. There is a lack of ownership when it comes to getting things done the correct way.

The government is already under tremendous scrutiny for the lax attitude towards corruption and the safe guarding of our financial system. If the ministries and those in charge of them do not get their act together the entire country’s development could come to a screeching halt. Exxon could be required by the U.S. government to shut down operations and our government could face sanctions if corruption and money laundering are found throughout the financial system. The attitude of those in government must change and the following of the rules must occur. It is no longer an option. It has now become a requirement for the country to continue to develop. How difficult is it to have an inspector on site to ensure that the safety requirements are followed during construction? How difficult is it for a Minister to go to a construction site and see unsafe practices and ensure that it is properly addressed? Seeing something being done in an unsafe manner and ignoring it should not be an option. Then to post it without any concern for the embarrassment that it could bring to an already embarrassed government shows total disregard and insensitivity for the current serious situation that the PPP/C is facing.

This is very similar to the same level of disregard and insensitivity that has been expressed by the GTU when they commented on the lack of respect and lack of response to their communications with the Ministry. Clearly, there must be an adjustment in the attitude of those in key leadership positions. Additionally, there is continuous mention of infrastructure projects not being properly completed. How difficult is it to have an inspector and project manager on site to ensure that things are being done correctly? How hard is it to ensure that the rules are followed and the agreed upon requirements are met? Just recently we saw a bridge being washed away after a large sum of money was spent to put it in place. Is the PPP/C tired of governing? Is the PPP/C enjoying embarrassing themselves and the country? I would think not!

The President must show leadership and regain control of those Ministers who are making it very apparent that they could care less about how things get done. The how is as important if not more important than what gets done. If the PPP/C doesn’t clean up its act the development of the country will be at risk.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
