The streets and shoulders of First Street Chesney/Kilcoy South are being destroyed by forbidden heavy duty trucks

Dear Editor,

I am writing this letter on behalf of the residents of my street, First Street Chesney/Kilcoy South. About one year ago, an auto-electrician started to ply his trade in front of his home on the road shoulder, and on a daily basis, about three to four heavy duty trucks comes to his place for repairs, besides canter trucks and cars. As can be expected, since the advent of the rainy season, the street and shoulders have been damaged and when residents reported the matter to the Hampshire/Kilcoy NDC nothing was done.

The street is about eight feet wide and when work was being done, the engineer told us that no heavy duty trucks should use the street, only small canter trucks and cars. When work was completed, we approached the NDC to erect bars at both ends and the NDC told us they do not have money. A few residents pooled their money and bought the materials, and with the help of the NDC, who provided their tractor and trailer and four workers, we erected the bars at both ends of the street.

Lo and behold, after about five months, a canter truck left the auto-electrician’s premises and drove into the bar at one end of the street and destroyed it and recently, another truck left the same premises and broke the bar at the other end of the street. Since then, the heavy duty trucks have had free rein and the street and shoulders in front of the auto-electrician’s home have been in a deplorable state.

Editor, before the government built that road, we suffered greatly with a mud dam. Residents had to hold their shoes in their hands and with a container of water, washed their feet on the public road before wearing their shoes and we are seeing, in front of eyes, the road and shoulders being destroyed and no one at the NDC is doing anything. So, on behalf of the residents of my street, I am calling on the Minister of Public Works to do something to arrest the destruction of my street. Hoping to hear from the Minister soon.


(Name and Address Withheld)