Five new water wells for Soesdyke-Linden Highway, Demerara River communities

One of the sites examined (GWI photo)
One of the sites examined (GWI photo)

GWI’s CEO, Shaik Baksh, led a technical team to several villages along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway and along the Demerara River to conduct an assessment, and to consult with residents about the possible sites for the drilling of new wells.

Among the areas visited were Timehri, Kuru Kuru, Kairuni, Old England/Siberia, and Coomacka, a release from the Guyana Water Inc (GWI) said on Wednesday.

In Timehri, the team held discussions with personnel from the GDF Air Corp to ascertain an appropriate site for the drilling of a well in the area.

Meanwhile in Kuru Kuru, the release said that residents were upbeat about the prospects of having a new well drilled in the area.

In Kairuni and Old England, sites were identified for the wells to be drilled, with the cooperation of residents and the input of the GWI team.

The residents of Coomacka were also elated, GWI said,  as they raised their concerns and assisted the team in identifying an area in the community for a new well.

The drilling of wells and other infrastructural works for these communities will be completed by the end of this year, the release added.

GWI recently completed the drilling of wells along the Soesdyke-Linden Highway at Swan, Waiacabra, Long Creek, Kairuni and Bamia.