Migrant held after Trinidad man found with throat slit

Stephen Sookhan
Stephen Sookhan

(Trinidad Guardian) Police officers held a Venezuelan migrant for questioning in connection with the murder of 60-year-old Stephen Sookhan, mere hours after the incident occurred.


ASP Dipchand, of the Central Division, said investigators had reviewed footage which showed the man, aged 21 and described as a person of interest, was seen fleeing the scene on Wednesday night.



Police said Sookhan’s throat was slit at his Wellspring Drive, Oasis Gardens, Chaguanas home.


At 10.50 pm, a neighbour called her husband, who is a police officer, telling him that she had heard a loud noise at Sookhan’s house.


When the officer arrived around 11 pm, he announced that he was a police officer and entered the house, where he found Sookhan dead in a bedroom.


Sookhan’s feet were bound and he also had injuries to the head.


Sookhan was a marketing manager.


Investigators said while initially they suspected the murder was a home invasion, they have ruled that out.


Senior Supt Gavin Simon said while robbery may be a motive, since items were stolen from the house, they are also exploring other theories.


Chaguanas Mayor Faaiq Mohammed said Sookhan’s murder shows the shocking and rampant crime wave sweeping through communities.


“Citizens are living under siege, gripped by fear and helplessness, while those in power sit idly by, seemingly content with the status quo. The Government’s glaring inaction suggests a troubling indifference to the daily realities faced by ordinary people. With 24-hour security at their disposal, it appears they are more than happy to turn a blind eye to the bloodshed and lawlessness plaguing our streets.


“This blatant disregard for public safety is not just negligence, it’s a dereliction of duty that betrays the trust of every citizen. The current state of affairs is intolerable, and immediate, decisive action is not just expected but demanded by a populace tired of living in constant fear,” the mayor said.


Homicide South is probing the incident.