Biden’s executive order to grant permanent residency status and work permits will benefit undocumented Guyanese

Dear Editor,

Thousands of undocumented Guyanese living in USA will benefit from President Biden’s Executive Order to grant permanent work permits and residency status to spouses of American citizens (and their undocumented children under age 21). The proposed order grants status to those undocumented spouses and their children living in the US continuously for the last ten years (prior to last Monday). They won’t have to travel outside of the USA as required by current law and where they must live for ten years before reconsideration of a visa to re-enter USA. That requirement would be waived. They would be a required to pay a re-adjustment of status fee.

The Executive Order is opposed by Biden’s challenger for the presidency, former President Donald Trump, who holds narrow leads in opinion polls in the November elections. It is also not clear if Congress opposes the order and whether it will be challenged in court. Biden also grants a one year extension of stay that would have expired next month of some half a million undocumented Venezuelan refugees who are also entitled for extension of work permits. This will help to ease the burden of countries like Guyana, Trinidad, and Colombia of having to provide for Venezuelans fleeing their country from economic woes.

Those undocumented immigrants who are beneficiaries of the order can now breathe a sigh of relief without fearing an encounter with law enforcement that could lead to deportation. They no longer would have to remain in the shadows, working off the books and being exploited by employers. Undocumented youngsters can now freely pursue schooling including university without fear of being deported. 


Vishnu Bisram