Guyana has mutated into the world’s first ‘voucher nation’, thanks to the PPP’s stroke of genius

Dear Editor,

I write today with a mind full of suspicions and a wallet brimming with vouchers to commend our beloved Government for its latest and most illustrious achievement: becoming the “Voucher Nation.” Indeed, it is a stroke of genius that our economy now flourishes not with the mundane clink of coins or the sterile swipe of cards, but with the vibrant rustle of paper vouchers! Of course, I am being over dramatic to get my point over.

As such, I must applaud the government of Guyana for its innovative approach to wealth distribution via vouchers. This brilliant method of distributing vouchers for everything – from housing materials and childcare to eye care and beyond – is a true masterstroke of “money transfer” ingenuity, ultimately rewarding the ultimate beneficiaries or suppliers/ providers of services for their loyalty. Why should we encourage self-reliance and hard work when we can simply hand out vouchers for every conceivable need? Who could have predicted that in this modern age, we’d so ingeniously resurrect the bartering system, with vouchers as our shiny new currency? Why, cash is so last century! By adopting vouchers for everything from groceries to gas, we’ve streamlined our lives into a delightful paper trail of redeemable promises, effectively creating a pseudo transfer of wealth to business cronies tantamount to gold jewelry plated with silver.

Consider the benefits: no more fumbling for change or squinting at worn-out bills. Instead, we have the joy of collecting and sorting through a rainbow of vouchers, each one a testament to our nation’s commitment to innovative fiscal policies and social consciousness. Who needs a robust banking system when you can experience the thrill of juggling vouchers for every conceivable good and service? And the excitement doesn’t stop there. The hunt for the best voucher deals has turned daily errands into adventurous scavenger hunts. Forget the dreary predictability of knowing the exact value of your money. Each transaction becomes a whimsical surprise, an opportunity to rediscover the sheer unpredictability of the marketplace.

Our leaders must be commended for their visionary approach. By embracing vouchers, we’ve cleverly sidestepped the pitfalls of inflation and devaluation. After all, how can you devalue a piece of paper that promises something vaguely beneficial? It’s an economic masterstroke! Moreover, this voucher system fosters a sense of community. There’s nothing like the camaraderie of exchanging tips on where to find the latest, most coveted vouchers, or the shared joy of realizing you’ve accumulated enough to finally redeem that long-desired item. It’s a beautiful, collective effort in navigating our nation’s unique economy.

I eagerly await the day when the national motto is changed from “One People, One Nation, One Destiny” to “One Voucher, One Handout, One Depen-dency.” Truly, the government of Guyana is pioneering a path to a future where no one needs to ask what they can do for their country because the country is too busy doing everything for them. In closing, I raise my collection of colourful vouchers in salute to our “Voucher Nation.” May our wallets burst at the seams with these slips of paper, each one a testament to our country’s forward-thinking policies and unyielding spirit? Who needs straightforward, reliable currency when you can have the sheer joy and complexity of a voucher-based economy?


Keith Bernard