Whether we want to admit it or not, most people are followers. Slick talking, promise making wolves in sheep clothing can lead their followers to a dungeon and leave them to fight each other once they have achieved the means to fly above them. In a world where it sometimes seems that the majority have lost their way, people are easily influenced and controlled. They draw on the strength of those who are brave enough to stand as their leaders.
There is no human being unscarred, however we expect that those who call themselves leaders will embody the warrior spirit where they will fight for the people and even be willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good. We expect that they would be principled, and that they would not deliberately lead the people astray. In a world where evil is rampant, the evil often seems to overshadow the good, leaving the world in a state of imbalance and leaders must be able to stand in their warrior spirit and do what is necessary for the advancement and protection of the people.