APNU, Sarabo-Halley call for claims by Kissoon against Norton to be seriously addressed

Tabitha Sarabo-Halley
Tabitha Sarabo-Halley

APNU and Member of Parliament Tabitha Sarabo-Halley have called on the PNCR to take seriously allegations of sexual harassment made against its leader Aubrey Norton by party member Vanessa Kissoon.

A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) – of which the PNCR is the largest constituent – has written to PNCR General Secretary Dawn Hastings-Williams on the matter.

Efforts again by Stabroek News to contact Norton for a comment on a statement by Kissoon alleging sexual harassment have been futile.

APNU in its June 21 letter to Hasting-Williams  expressed concern over the serious nature of the allegations, noting that such issues cannot be ignored, especially given the prominence of the PNCR within their coalition. APNU emphasized the necessity of an independent investigation to maintain accountability and uphold the rule of law, stressing their commitment to ensuring justice and respect for women’s rights in Guyana.

“We thus believe this allegation should be treated with utmost seriousness, consistent with out approach to previous instances involving public officials. Accordingly, we urge our partner, the PNCR, to swiftly initiate an independent investigation into this grave matter. This we believe is a reasonable response to put the PNCR on the best footing as we are deeply concerned that failing to address these allegations promptly could adversely affect the forthcoming Region and General Election”, APNU said.

It also asked that any report from such an investigation be shared with it.

“Within APNU, we all firmly uphold the belief that every woman and girl in Guyana should have unfettered opportunities to realize their fullest potential, devoid of any form of violence within their homes, schools, or workplaces”, it said.

The APNU General Secretary Sarabo-Halley.

In a separate statement,  Sarabo-Halley of the Guyana Nation Builders – a member of APNU – urged immediate steps to address allegations against Norton. Emphasizing the gravity of the situation, Sarabo-Halley stressed the necessity of thoroughly investigating claims made by Kissoon. According to Sarabo-Halley, Kissoon came forward with her account following encouragement from the Leader of the Opposition Norton, prompting Sarabo-Halley to assert, “We cannot only believe the victim when we don’t like the perpetrator.” This underscores the consistent stance needed against gender-based violence.

Sarabo-Halley also drew a parallel to previous calls from the Opposition for accountability within the Parliament, stating, “If we called for (Nigel) Dharamlall to be removed from Parliament, we have to recognize that anything less in this case would make us hypocrites.” The Oppo-sition has been at the forefront of demanding the removal of Nigel Dharamlall from public office following allegations of sexual assault during his tenure as Minister of Local Government.

Regarding  Kissoon’s credibility, Sarabo-Halley expressed her confidence, saying, “I have no reason to doubt her as I personally have heard rumors of the incident minus the actual details of the account.”


The APNU coalition, which the PNCR played a crucial role in forming, announced on June 8th, 2024, that it had convened a meeting where Norton was absent, and Vincent Henry of Guyana Action Party had been appointed as the new Chairman. APNU comprises smaller parties such as the Guyana Action Party, the Justice for All Party, the National Democratic Front, and the Working People’s Alliance.

However, Norton, the former chair of APNU contested the legitimacy of the proceedings, stating, “What purports to be an APNU elections is unauthorized and null and void. As is well known, the APNU has no General Secretary since none was elected after the resignation of Mr. Joe Harmon.”

On Thursday, contenders for leadership of the PNCR at the upcoming congress, Amanza Walton-Desir and Roysdale Forde SC  in separate statements said that Kissoon’s allegations against the party’s current leader Aubrey Norton must be addressed with seriousness through a fair and transparent process.

On Wednesday PNCR member Kissoon said on her Facebook page that she had been threatened with rape some years ago while travelling in a vehicle with Norton.

Her allegation threatens to upturn arrangements for the party congress set for the end of the month where Norton is in contention for leadership.

Kissoon’s statement came after she was challenged earlier on Wednesday by Norton to clear the air in relation to allegations that were being made that he had sexually harassed her. Norton denied the claim. He said that he had never travelled alone with Kissoon.

However, on  Wednesday afternoon, Kissoon in a written and video statement posted online said that she had indeed been harassed by Norton.

Following this,  Walton-Desir, who serves as the Opposition’s Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, in her statement on Thursday said that it was with “heavy heart that I have read the consecutive statements of Leader Aubrey Norton and Sister Vanessa Kissoon. While the statements speak for themselves it is necessary for me to speak out as a woman and as a leader in the party. The nature of the allegations cannot be ignored and we must address this matter with the seriousness it deserves.”

She added, that it is very important to note that Kissoon was asked by Norton to come forward and speak on this matter as she then condemned the attacks Kissoon had been facing on social media after doing such. She noted, “It is therefore deeply troubling to see Ms. Kissoon being mercilessly attacked on social media. These attacks are unacceptable and undermine the principles of unity, respect, and support that should define us.”

Walton-Desir urged, “We must stand against any form of victim-blaming or victim-shaming. Especially as women, we must lean into our better angels and our God- given ability to nurture rather than naysay, to comfort rather than condemn, so that even as we find ourselves in an hour of disagreement we can interrogate and not castigate.” She stressed that an environment must be fostered “where every voice is heard and respected.”

“It is vital that we ensure a fair process for both Ms. Kissoon and Mr. Norton. The truth will always set us free and I ask that others step back as I will, and allow matters to follow the necessary course of action that is appropriate under these circumstances”, she said.


Meanwhile, a statement from Forde said that the matter which was made public was most unfortunate, however, he added that whatever the reason, Norton must be seen as innocent until proven guilty and that Kissoon the “alleged victim” must have the benefit of telling her story without being harassed.

“We must judiciously proceed on this grave matter. As an officer of the court, I am obligated to respect the rights of everyone, including the victim and accused, and the course of natural justice. As a party we should not allow the prejudices of politics and power to affect our respect for the rule of law, efforts at cohesion within the party, our principles and/or core values as an alternative choice for government. Our behaviours must so reflect.”

The allegations made by Kissoon in response to Norton’s statement are worthy of investigation and should not be treated lightly, Forde said.