Fulcrum LNG selected by gov’t to monetize natural gas resources – President

The Government of Guyana on Thursday announced that Fulcrum LNG has been selected from amongst the companies that submitted the best Expression of Interest to monetize Guyana’s natural gas resources.

“As you know, we recently concluded the Expression of Interest for a major gas project, outside of the Wales development. We had a company identified. That company, with the Government of Guyana and Exxon as partners, will now have to have discussions and we will  have to, together, arrive at a model and a plan as to how we’ll advance this major gas development in our country,” President Irfaan Ali on Thursday told a press conference hosted at State House, Georgetown.

“For us, the Government of Guyana, the technical team has been assembled. We have identified a technical team to work with the stakeholders in coming up with the model and to negotiate an agreement and look at the viability – technically and financially – of the project,” he added.