Parfaite Harmonie trio remanded over cannabis

Three men appeared yesterday before Magistrate Faith McGusty at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court where they were charged with possession of  a narcotic for the purpose of trafficking.

It was alleged that Yohan Sam, a 29-year-old electrician; Leron Lawson, a 30-year-old taxi driver, and Junior James, 26, all of La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, on June 17, at Princes Street and Cemetery Road, Georgetown, had in their possession 13,458 grammes of cannabis for purpose of trafficking.

All three pleaded not guilty.

The prosecutor objected to bail, placing emphasis on the word “possession.” The magistrate was told a large amount was discovered and due to the nature and circumstance, it would be best for the trio to be remanded as investigations are still ongoing.

However, attorney-at-law Yuborn Allicock who represented Sam, argued that he did not understand how possession could be used against his client since the narcotic was found in the trunk of the car. “The narcotics was not found in the sole care of Sam; it is the vehicle in which he was travelling in and he was not the only passenger,” Allicock told the court.

The lawyer representing James and Lawson told the court that Lawson was the driver of the car and had gone to Junior James to uplift something.

The magistrate then questioned the prosecutor about the day the narcotic was found and if any of the defendants admitted to having ownership. The prosecutor admitted to being unclear about this stating that they had no such information on file. The investigating rank was then called to brief the court and he told the magistrate that on the day in question when the narcotic was found and the allegation was put to them they all denied ownership with Lawson stating that he was just a driver.

Magistrate McGusty eventually denied bail and they were all remanded to prison pending statements in the matter. The matter was adjourned to July 5, 2024.