PNCR party elders, women and youth arms to probe allegations against Norton

Hamilton Green speaking at the PNCR Press Conference yesterday
Hamilton Green speaking at the PNCR Press Conference yesterday

Although not formally tasked by the PNCR to investigate the sexual harassment allegations against party leader Aubrey Norton by Vanessa Kissoon, the National Congress of Women (NCW), together with the Council of Elders and the Guyana Youth and Student Movement, have taken steps to launch a thorough investigation.

This action aims to uphold integrity within the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). The announcement came during a press conference held yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel.

Norton, PNCR Party Leader has not yet responded to the statement made by  Kissoon after he challenged her to publicly comment on allegations against him, initially shared by Egland Gomes without  Kissoon’s consent.

These allegations, “concerning matters that threaten to destabilize the party environment” according to party elder, Hamilton Green, have prompted swift action from the Council of Elders, the NCW, and GYSM. Green also noted that the investigation would not conclude prior to the PNCR Biennial Congress and internal elections scheduled for June 28th to 30th, 2024.

Speaking on behalf of the Council of Elders, Geen emphasized their commitment to impartiality and the pursuit of truth. “Our role transcends partisan interests; it is about ensuring justice and maintaining a conducive environment for the PNCR,” Green stated. The Elders, consisting of  figures such as Yvonne Harewood-Benn and Robert Corbin, have been tasked with overseeing a comprehensive inquiry that will delve into the allegations and provide recommendations for the way forward.

Central to the concerns raised during the press conference was the upcoming leadership election within the PNCR at the 32nd Biennial Delegates Congress.  Against a backdrop of very public internal party dynamics, the Elders highlighted the need for unity and disciplined conduct among party members.

“The exuberance in contestations must not turn antagonistic. It is crucial for the party’s unity and

preparedness for the national elections,” remarked Cheryl Sampson as she read a Press Release.

The NCW reiterated its commitment to addressing misconduct against women promptly and impartially. Volda Lawrence, Chairman of the NCW stressed, “We will not allow such matters to be tried in the court of public opinion. Our actions are guided by fairness and respect for due process.”

When asked if there will be any postponement of Congress considering that  Norton is running for re-election as Head of the Party and holds the position as Congress Director, Lawrence stated that “These allegations have nothing to do with Congress, the Congress committee will continue to do their planning.”

Acknowledging the impact of social media on public discourse, party officials called upon supporters to refrain from engaging in speculative discussions online. “The integrity of our investigation and the well-being of our party depend on disciplined behaviour from all stakeholders. We are well aware of the negative impact that these allegations have on the party particularly on the eve of the Congress and leading up to the National and Regional Elections,” Sampson said.

Green added, “Our focus remains on truth and justice. We are committed to a swift and thorough investigation, ensuring that the PNCR emerges stronger and united.”