John Lewis Styles not associated with letter written to Ali

Dear Editor,

Our attention was drawn to an article which appeared in your newspapers dated 19th June, 2024 under the caption, “Spread of non-naturalised Chinese-owned supermarkets, hardware stores alarming.” The said article referred to a letter written to His Excellency, President Dr. Irfaan Ali by a group named “Guyanese Businesses Owners Association” which was purportedly signed by John Lewis of John Lewis Styles.

We wish to distance ourselves from the contents of the said letter as we were not privy to its contents prior to dispatch. We never registered as a group member nor have we ever attended any meetings. Being added to a WhatsApp group chat does not constitute membership nor agreement to topics discussed. To be clear, we support All Businesses operating in Guyana regardless of nationality, providing that we all operate within the confines of the laws and enjoy the same benefits by state entities.

Thank you for allowing us to clarify our position on this matter.


John Lewis

John Lewis Styles