Charitable work and camouflage

Dear Editor,

I refer to the letter captioned, and published by SN on June 22, “The Mohameds were well-liked for their charitable work” by Vishnu Bisram who sought to glorify the philanthropic nature of the Mohameds.

Editor, whilst that may be so, Bisram seemingly fails to recognise that the said Mohameds have been accused by the United States Treasury Office of Foreign Assets Control, as per release on June 11, of failing to disclose the export of 10,000 Kilograms (equivalent to 352,000 ounces) of gold, and as a result the state of Guyana was denied US$50M in taxes. This sum could have provided approximately G$1M to each school teacher presently agitating for a better pay.

At present value (US$2,332.00 per ounce) 352,000 ounces of gold is equivalent to a whopping US$821M or G$176 billion. So, whilst the Mohameds may be “well-liked for their charitable work”, it does not evade the minds of the populace into believing that such charitable work could camouflage the magnitude of alleged improper transactions.

Yours faithfully,

Ash Sen