I encourage all members of the PNCR to prioritise unity over division

Dear Editor,  

As Mayor of the City of Georgetown and a longstanding member of the PNCR (People’s National Congress Reform), on the eve of our party’s congress; an important event, I write this letter and do admit that I am profoundly concerned as to why some cause the business of the party to be played out publicly.  

I do believe that we are in some challenging times but like even in a marriage – teeth and tongue does bite and this makes for a stronger relationship moving forward. I also believe that after this storm there will be a calm and one that makes for a better party with more dialogue and introspection. As such with focus and unity we will more than overcome and sail to safety and greatness. 

I have noticed that, within recent times, there has been an unfortunate rise in rancour, bitterness, and infighting among some ranks seeking party and political power This is disappointing!   

Further, such actions have a debilitating effect on efforts to enhance public trust and strengthen the cords of our party. As we determine different appropriate courses of action during these turbulent times, it is important that we, all, remember our overarching goal: to rid our nation of the burden of the incumbent authoritarian regime that continues to inflict much harm upon our city and society.  

The incumbent regime has been doing all things practical to embarrass and downgrade the city council. This party and government has dismissed the whole concept of separation of powers and has infringed upon the work, responsibility and the properties of the city. Moreso, it does not regard nor honour the fiscal transfer arrangement stipulated in the law or its obligation to pay its taxes to the Municipality. Yet, we focus on infighting rather than hold this government to account for its actions and be distracted and which are inimical to the sustainable development of the nation’s capital. 

 I understand that within any organisation, especially one as passionate and dedicated as PNCR, there will be diverse views, opinions and approaches. Nevertheless, we must not allow these differences to divide us or distract us from our collective mission. Need I say that the strength of the PNCR lies in our unity and our ability to work together towards a common objective – the betterment of our nation and the welfare of all of our citizens and to rid ourselves of this government that has a stranglehold on our necks.  

So my dear Comrades, instead of focusing on internal disputes and personal grievances, let us channel our energies towards constructive dialogue, collaboration, and strategic planning after this Congress to create those changes we would like to see for our nation’s people. We owe it to ourselves and to the people who rely on us to provide effective leadership and a united front against the challenges facing our country.  

I encourage all comrades and members of the PNCR to prioritise unity, over division, and to approach our differences with respect and open-mindedness with a view to solutions that will better our party for the greater good.  

Let us engage in healthy debate, listen to each other’s perspectives, and find common ground that advances our shared goals.   

In the coming months and years, we have a crucial opportunity to demonstrate to the people of Guyana that the PNCR is a party of integrity, vision, and unity and the most democratic of all parties in Guyana. Views good or bad are not stifled or shut down but allowed to fester!

In this regard by focusing on our broader goal of bringing positive change to our nation, we can inspire confidence and support from the electorate. I believe that together we can rise above the distractions and challenges that threaten to derail us. Today, let us reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy, justice and progress. Let us stand united in our focus and determination to build a brighter future for our young people, and, in fact, all Guyanese.  


Alfred Mentore J.P. 

Mayor of Georgetown 

Mayor and Councillors 

City of Georgetown