Postpone congress so complaint against Norton can be properly investigated

Dear Editor,

The image, integrity and credibility of the PNCR are at great risk. The importance of maintaining the trust of our members, supporters and the general public is paramount at this juncture.

It is against the backdrop of those important considerations that it is incumbent on me to call on the Central Executive of the PNCR to postpone Congress until the end of August 2024 and take the decision to make the Leader of the PNCR and the Opposition, Aubrey Compton Norton step down to facilitate a full and impartial investigation into the allegation of sexual misconduct levelled against him by longstanding PNCR member and former Member of Parliament, Vanessa Kissoon.

Editor, if the investigation concludes in favour of Mr Norton, then as incumbent leader he must be allowed to contest for the leadership of the party. The PNCR can ill afford to face the electorate at the 2025 general elections if we do not act on these recommendations to show we are a transparent political entity that respects the rule of law and the rights of women.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist