The Sudanese people are crying out for help

Dear Editor,

The situation in Sudan has reached alarming proportions. The international spotlight has been on the war in Ukraine and the Gaza. However, the United Nations has declared the situation currently in Sudan as the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, with thousands of deaths, millions of displaced persons and acute starvation.

The sad thing about it is that the disaster is self-inflicted  arising out of conflict between two rival military factions, the  Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Special Forces.

In addition to the food crisis, there is a severe health crisis resulting in thousands of deaths including a significant number of women and children.

The international community needs to do more to bring about a peaceful and negotiated solution to this debilitating crisis.

The massacre and wanton loss of lives in Sudan cannot be allowed to continue. The Sudanese people are crying out for help.

Yours faithfully,

Hydar Ally