Martin Carter: A rare treasure

Martin Carter

Every year around this time, we honour the extraordinary Caribbean poet Martin Carter, who was born in June. We do so this year with a revisit of significant but not so well known selections of his poetry and prose.

In June 2000, there were two important publications: All Are Involved: The Art of Martin Carter,  edited by Stewart Brown, published in the UK by Peepal Tree Press and launched in Guyana during the Annual West Indian Literature Conference hosted by the University of Guyana, and a special double issue of the journal Kyk-Over-Al 49/50: Martin Carter Tribute, edited by Ian McDonald and Vanda Radzik.

Brown collected new and existing learned articles on the art of Martin Carter, making scholarship on this foremost writer easily accessible for the first time in one volume and enlarging his international recognition. Kyk-Over-Al released the special tribute with an abounding variety of contributions, poems, tributes and criticism. There were also samples of Carter’s own work – selections of his prose, which is far less known than his poems, and a rare treat – a few recently discovered poems that were never previously published.