Lucas stock index


The Lucas Stock Index fell 0.667 percent on the sale of 1,744,887 shares during the third period of trading in June 2024.  Eight stocks traded during the period with no Climbers and two Tumblers emerging to cause the market value to decline by G$4.9B.   

The stock price of Demerara Bank Limited (DBL) fell 2.029 percent on the sale of 2,040 shares while that of Republic Bank Limited (RBL) fell 1.307 percent on the sale of 2,040 shares.

In the meanwhile, the stock price of Banks DIH (DIH), Caribbean Container Inc. (CCI), Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), Demerara Tobacco Company (DTC), Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (BTI) and Sterling Products Limited (SPL) remained unchanged on the sale of 1,724,021; 120; 14,441; 1,780; 92 and 353 shares respectively.

The LSI closed at 1,276.606.