How the Cost of Living is affecting people

Oveilia Bryan

Part 81

Stabroek News spoke to members of the public at Farm, East Bank Demerara about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. The following are their comments:

Interviews and photos by Subhana Shiwmangal

Oveilia Bryan, a pensioner said: “I don’t know what to say because the cost for everything gone up at the shops and the salary is not raising. What you going to do? You have to try with the cost of liivng. If you can’t buy a pound of something, buy half pound instead. I’m living alone, downstairs, while my son and his family lives upstairs. I support myself using my monthly pension. Recently, I purchased couple items and my $7,000 finished quickly. I didn’t get much for my money, I bought chowmein, milk, porridge, bag rice, flour and sugar. I didn’t get to buy other items I need. The cost for things gets expensive now. For example, a Lam’s chowmein before cost $200; now the chowmein cost $300. A 10 kg Karibee rice a couple months back cost $1,900; now the same rice cost $2,400. We can’t do anything but the government should come around and visit the shops in the area and look in to the high prices for items; everyday the cost for something rising in the shop.”