Personal jewellery not part of crackdown on gold smuggling – Nandlall

The gold that was seized from an outgoing passenger recently

As government prepares laws to tighten gold smuggling, it has assured inbound and outbound travellers that they can wear their personal jewellery hassle free.

“Personal jewellery and personal effects that is worn on the person has always been exempt historically, under the traditional customs law of the country. This position has not changed, so persons who have their ordinary jewellery they wear when they travel or in the conduct of their every day lives, should not be affected, because clearly they are not part of the target or the mischief of the legislative provisions,” Attorney General Anil Nandlall told the Stabroek News on Friday.

“Many of your readers who travel regularly to US, Canada, Europe… would do so with their usual personal effects and jewellery, without being shouldered with the burden at the airports in these countries, to declare these items. The same position obtains in Guyana…,” he added.