This Week-in-Review June 16th to June 22nd


Teachers to return to work by Tuesday: Striking teachers are set to return to their classrooms by next Tuesday after the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) reached an agreement yesterday on terms of resumption to end a gruelling strike and talks will continue on June 26 on  a multi-year agreement. A release yesterday from the Ministry of Education listed the terms of resumption as follows: 1. There shall be an end to the strike and full resumption of work by all teachers/educators within two working days. 2. There shall be no victimization by either party. 3. There shall be no loss of service for any teachers/educators. 4. Teachers/educators will return to their respective positions held before the strike. 5. There shall be no transfers upon resumption. 6. That the status quo ante shall prevail subject to any ruling which may emanate from extant legal proceedings between the two parties. 7. Upon the full resumption of work by teachers/ educators, conciliation will commence forthwith to determine whether the timeframe proposed by GTU, 2019-2023 or MOE 2024 and onwards should form part of a new multi-year agreement. 8. That both parties shall conduct discussions in accordance with the existing 1990. According to GTU Pre-sident, Mark Lyte, the union was able to agree on the terms of resumption, which include no victimization of teachers and no loss of seniority. Lyte also confirmed that teachers will be expected to resume duties in two working days following the signing of the agreement. “Well… within two working days. The first working day after the signing would be Monday [and] the second working would be Tuesday. So at least by Tuesday…,” he said. Prior to yesterday’s meeting, concerns were raised regarding teachers’ names possibly being struck off from the paysheet should they fail to show up to work on the last day of this school term and the first day of the September school year. When asked whether this was a reason for the union’s latest decision, Lyte pointed out that there is no policy document mandating a teacher’s presence at work on those specific days.


Private sector awaiting findings of probe into complaint about Chinese businesses: The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is awaiting the findings of a complaint lodged by a number of local business persons to President Irfaan Ali about the proliferation of establishments across the country by non-naturalised Chinese persons with seeming lack of regulatory certificates and licences. “We received the complaints and are awaiting the facts as we are investigating,” PSC President Komal Singhlast week told the Stabroek News. Yesterday, this newspaper reported that a group of over 60 business owners across the country wrote to President Irfaan Ali in April seeking a meeting, as they bemoaned the unfair competition they face from the many non-naturalized Chinese-owned businesses that they believe are operating without requisite licences, permits and certificates. The letter was issued under the rubric, “Guyanese Businesses Owners Association”. “We are a consortium of Guyanese business owners and concerned citizens, comprising of about sixty-five (65) entities and individuals. We wish to express our serious apprehensions regarding the proliferation of non-naturalized Chinese owned businesses, predominantly supermarkets and hardware stores, throughout communities in Guyana,” stated a letter dated April 22, and signed by 49 business owners. “These establishments often emerge in close proximity to our own businesses, and sometimes multiple similar Chinese stores are established on the same street. While we recognize and embrace healthy competition for the benefit of consumers, our primary concern pertains to the perceived lack of adherence by Chinese businesses to the same laws and regulations governing Guyanese enterprises,” the letter seen by Stabroek News, added. On  the  list of business owners were Parshuram and Govardhan Arjune, of the Survival Supermarket and Survival Shopping Complex, Rajin Ganga of Bakewell, Dexter John of Home Everything, John Lewis Styles; Parmanand Persaud of Crown Mining Supplies; and Andrew’s Supermarket.

Money laundering

US sanctions will not negatively affect Guyana’s anti-money laundering image – Nandlall: Attorney General, Anil Nandlall SC, says that he does not believe that the United States’ sanctions on the Mohameds and Permanent Secretary Mae Toussaint Jr. Thomas, will have negative repercussions for Guyana’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) image. And firing back at chartered accountant, Christopher Ram, who opined in last Tuesday’s Stabroek News that the US sanctions pose grave risks to the country and have shattered its anti-money laundering reputation, Nandlall said that Ram has not shown on what basis he came to his conclusions but instead has cast his own self-determined judgement. “On what basis has Mr. Ram concluded this? I don’t think the world operates like that. His reaction is a knee-jerk one,” Nandlall said last evening in response to the Stabroek News after addressing the issue on his ‘Issues in the News’ programne on his Facebook Page. “It is rather erratic to conclude that a singular business enterprise, in one singular area of activity, running into the problems with the United States, can shatter the entire financial system and anti-laundering structure of Guyana. Guyana’s economy and financial system is diversified and expansive,” he added. In an invited comment to Stabroek News on last Tuesday’s announcement by the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC),  Ram  said that it  will tarnish the reputation of the country, potentially scaring away both international and domestic investors. A well-known commentator who has had a long-running oil and gas column in Stabroek News, Ram said that the sanctions on Nazar Mohamed and Azruddin Mohamed, who he described as two high-profile members of the business community operating in the gold, quarrying and non-bank Cambio sector, and Mae Toussaint Jr. Thomas, a top public servant/ruling Party executive have “grave implications for the Government and the country which can suffer serious reputational damage.” Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot subsequently told the Guyana media that such sanctions are reserved for “very serious crimes” and referred to the Russian financing of the war on Ukraine as a parallel. He pointed out that the Ambassador added that there was a preponderance of evidence gathered by her government over two and a half years.


Hughes to run for leadership of AFC: Attorney Nigel Hughes will contest for the leadership of the Alliance For Change (AFC) on June 29 after striking a deal with David Patterson who will accept the nomination for chairman of the party. Hughes’ decision to contest will mark a return to active politics after he stepped back from the party during the APNU+AFC term in office. Last week’s surprise deal will be seen as countering the ambitions of Sherod Duncan in the race for leadership of the AFC after former leader Khemraj Ramjattan decided not to contest again. In a joint release with the tagline `Better must come’ which has been frequently used by Hughes, he and Patterson outlined the contours of their partnership and praised each other. They said that instead of competing, they had decided on a different approach which they both feel would serve the best interests of the AFC. In the joint release, Patterson and Hughes thanked the groups with the party for nominating them and stated that after “lengthy and robust” discussions, they arrived at the opinion that in the best interests of the AFC and country, they ought not to compete against each other, but instead, present a united front. The agreement arrived at is as follows: Hughes will accept the nomination for Leader of the Alliance For Change while Patterson will decline nomination for that position. Patterson will instead, accept the nomination for Chairperson of the Party. Patterson stated: “I fully endorse Nigel Hughes as the best candidate to lead the AFC at this time as we head into the 2025 Regional and General Elections. I am confident that with his leadership, our victory at the polls will be guaranteed.”  Hughes stated:  “I am deeply appreciative of the great sacrifice made by David Patterson to decline the nomination for Leader. David has given outstanding service both at the party and national levels. I look forward to our joint united collaboration in building a stronger AFC and a modern Guyana.  The AFC is and has always been the most inclusive political party and I am humbled to accept the nomination to lead this great party .”

PNCR party elders, women and youth arms to probe allegations against Norton: Although not formally tasked by the PNCR to investigate the sexual harassment allegations against party leader Aubrey Norton by Vanessa Kissoon, the National Congress of Women (NCW), together with the Council of Elders and the Guyana Youth and Student Movement, have taken steps to launch a thorough investigation. This action aims to uphold integrity within the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). The announcement came during a press conference held yesterday at the Pegasus Hotel. Norton, PNCR Party Leader has not yet responded to the statement made by  Kissoon after he challenged her to publicly comment on allegations against him, initially shared by Egland Gomes without  Kissoon’s consent. These allegations, “concerning matters that threaten to destabilize the party environment” according to party elder, Hamilton Green, have prompted swift action from the Council of Elders, the NCW, and GYSM. Green also noted that the investigation would not conclude prior to the PNCR Biennial Congress and internal elections scheduled for June 28th to 30th, 2024. Speaking on behalf of the Council of Elders, Geen emphasized their commitment to impartiality and the pursuit of truth. “Our role transcends partisan interests; it is about ensuring justice and maintaining a conducive environment for the PNCR,” Green stated. The Elders, consisting of  figures such as Yvonne Harewood-Benn and Robert Corbin, have been tasked with overseeing a comprehensive inquiry that will delve into the allegations and provide recommendations for the way forward. Central to the concerns raised during the press conference was the upcoming leadership election within the PNCR at the 32nd Biennial Delegates Congress.  Against a backdrop of very public internal party dynamics, the Elders highlighted the need for unity and disciplined conduct among party members. “The exuberance in contestations must not turn antagonistic. It is crucial for the party’s unity and preparedness for the national elections,” remarked Cheryl Sampson as she read a Press Release. The NCW reiterated its commitment to addressing misconduct against women promptly and impartially. Volda Lawrence, Chairman of the NCW stressed, “We will not allow such matters to be tried in the court of public opinion. Our actions are guided by fairness and respect for due process.” When asked if there will be any postponement of Congress considering that  Norton is running for re-election as Head of the Party and holds the position as Congress Director, Lawrence stated that “These allegations have nothing to do with Congress, the Congress committee will continue to do their planning.”


CHPA single window system to cut applications process from three months to 35 days -Cummings: The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHPA) yesterday launched the Electronic Planning and Development Single Window System, a groundbreaking initiative designed to facilitate easy access for local and international investors to submit applications online from anywhere in the world. The enabling Act,  which was passed in the National Assembly in July last year, aims to simplify and streamline the process of applying for planning permits, reducing bureaucracy and increasing investment in the country. The system will allow applicants to submit electronic applications, track progress, and receive automated decisions from government agencies. At the launch, Chairman of the Board of the CHPA Emmanuel Cummings noted that the Single Window Initiative is a key project to transform Guyana into a developed country, as envisioned by President Irfaan Ali. He highlighted that the initiative aims to simplify the application process by reducing it from three months to 35 days, at minimum. Cummings explained that the online platform allows applicants to initiate applications from the comfort of their homes, receive updates, and track their application status. Added to that, he said, it will enhance efficiency, transparency, and decision-making while also increasing consumer access to services and tax compliance. The Chairman further emphasized that the ministry’s goal is to create a business-friendly environment that attracts more investors and increases applications. Meanwhile, Chairman of the Private Sector Commission, Komal Singh commended the initiative as a step towards achieving sustainable development goals, particularly in areas such as clean water and sanitation. He highlighted the significant impact of corruption on the private sector and expressed optimism about the potential of the Single Window System to remove barriers and increase efficiency. Also delivering remarks at the launch was Project Consultant Fareed Amin who emphasized the importance of understanding the complexities of Guyana’s assets and services and how the Single Window System aims to simplify and streamline processes. He noted that the initiative is a step in the right direction towards creating a modern, high-performing service that provides transactional customer service.

Gold smuggling

Trotman says US was tracking gold smuggling prior to 2015: Former Natural Resources Minister, Raphael Trotman last week emphasized that when the APNU+AFC government entered office in 2015, US agents provided a briefing on the extent of gold smuggling that had been occurring under the previous PPP/C administration. As the fallout continues from the US’s sanctioning on Tuesday of  Nazar Mohamed and Azruddin Mohamed over an alleged gold smuggling network,  Trotman underscored that when APNU+AFC took office in  May of 2015 smuggling had already been a major problem and Washington apparently did not trust officials of the preceding administration. Trotman has spoken about this subject in the past and critics have said the 2015 to 2020 APNU+AFC administration also failed to rein in the gold smuggling. In a letter that appears in today’s Sunday Stabroek, Trotman said that in 2015, there was a briefing given, of a very sensitive nature, to himself and Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, about an ongoing investigation in the US in which Guyanese were supposedly involved. This investigation, he said,  had started a few years prior, which was before the coalition’s term of office commenced, and it was ongoing. He said that he continued to receive briefings on various matters during his tenure as Minister. “The primary concern shared by the US agents in 2015, was the belief that gold, mined in Guyana, Venezuela and Colombia, was being illegally shipped from, and through Guyana, to the US. Most concerning, was the belief that the proceeds of the sale of this gold were financing activities that were very inimical to the security and interests of the United States. This was not an investigation into corruption only”, Trotman stated. He related that the agents who shared the information informed him and Ramjattan that they were only then authorized to share such information because in the past there were serious concerns about confidences being kept and sensitive investigations being compromised by Government of Guyana officials.

In the courts

Miner charged with 2021 Big Creek Landing murder: Keron David,  a 27-year-old gold miner of Falls Top, North West District (NWD) in Region One, was charged last Tuesday with the murder of 22-year-old Royston Frank, which occurred between the 6th and 7th of November, 2021 at Big Creek Landing, NWD. David yesterday appear-ed at the Port Kaituma Police Station before Principal Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus to answer the murder charge. The defendant was not required to plead and was remanded to prison, according to a statement from the police. David was arrested at 13:30 hrs on June 15th, 2024, after being on the run since November 2021.