Gender-based violence facility launched in Mabaruma

Ministry officials, community members and diplomats among others in front of the unit.
Ministry officials, community members and diplomats among others in front of the unit.

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security (MHSSS), in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), has officially launched a Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Mobile Remote Unit in Khan’s Hill, Mabaruma, Region One.

The Mobile Unit, according to a release yesterday from the Ministry, is expected to provide accessible and immediate support to survivors of gender-based violence in Mabaruma and surrounding areas and in other remote areas and hinterland regions of Guyana.

This unit, the Ministry says, forms part of a broader strategy to extend all essential services to remote and Indigenous communities, under one roof including: Intervention services in all cases of Gender-based violence including first responders, survivors advocates, cases reporting services via police, and on-site medical assistance to ensure immediate care for survivors; counselling and psycho-social support to address trauma and promote healing; legal support and advocacy to help survivors; shelter services for women and children, and, community education and awareness programmes to prevent GBV and promote gender equality.

This model, the ministry noted, mirrors the newly operational Hope and Justice Centre in Region 4 which also provides all services for survivors of violence, both adults and children. The Ministry says additional services will be offered catering to senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and general welfare.

According to Dr. Vindhya Persaud, Minister of Human Services and Social Security: “Our commitment to eradicating gender-based violence is unwavering. The GBV Mobile Remote Unit is a testament to our dedication to reaching every corner of our country, ensuring that no one is left behind in our fight against this scourge. Accessibility and inclusivity are hallmarks of the MHSSS service provision as we continue to leverage all that was gained during the Spotlight Initiative and merge it with our programmes to crest a robust framework to combat GBV and provide pivotal services to assist survivors while at the same time rolling out campaigns on education and awareness across communities. “

The GBV Mobile Remote Unit is expected to improve reporting and response to incidents of gender-based violence; enhance the support network for survivors, fostering a safer and more supportive community, and, increase awareness and education on GBV prevention and response, leading to a cultural shift towards gender equality. As the GBV Mobile Remote Unit begins its operations, the Ministry says it and its partners remain dedicated to monitoring its impact and effectiveness.

This initiative, according to the Ministry continues to serve as a model to combat gender-based violence across Guyana and beyond. European Union’s Ambassador, René van Nes and the UN’s Resident Coordinator  Yesim Oruc, expressed their support for the project while Adler Bynoe, UNFPA gave a comprehensive overview of the purpose of the building.  and emphasized that it will also provide mobile services.