Nigel Hughes’ election vital for AFC, nation’s future

Nigel Hughes
Nigel Hughes

– campaign team

As it gears up for the Alliance For Change (AFC) national congress this weekend, the “Better Must Come” campaign team is throwing its weight behind its candidate for leader, Nigel Hughes, telling its members that his election is vital for the party and the nation’s future.

Hughes’ “Better Must Come” campaign team said that he is the one candidate that stands out with a “vision and dedication” to reform that is vital for the party’s and the nation’s future, a release from the team stated yesterday.

It acknowledged that Hughes’ candidacy for the leadership of the AFC has come under scrutiny, as some party members and political opponents have questioned his recent activities and commitment. However, it contended that such criticisms fail to acknowledge the depth of Hughes’ involvement and the strategic importance of his return to the forefront of the party.