Santa Aratack’s ‘enormous potential’ to be unlocked – President

Santa Aratack (Office of the President photo)
Santa Aratack (Office of the President photo)

The community of Santa Aratack and surrounding areas hold ‘distinct advantages’ that once unlocked, can ensure the sustainability and resilience of its residents.

This was the opinion of President Irfaan Ali during his visit to Kamuni Creek (a tributary of the Demerara River), yesterday, according to a release from his office, adding that his administration is committed to assisting residents tap into such opportunities.

He was accompanied on his trip by Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha; Head of the Guyana Office for Investment, Peter Ramsaroop, National Security Advisor Captain Gerry Gouveia, and other government officials.

The president noted that Santa Aratack is within proximity to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport in Timehri and as such, can easily become a hub for food production as well as a viable destination for eco-tourism.

“This location of the land along this creek has enormous potential and… we have to work with you on how we are going to unfold that potential.”

To help kick-start the envisioned development programme, Ali distributed brush-cutters, other agriculture tools including wheelbarrows, 500 young coconut trees, and 200 young citrus trees to the community. He expressed the hope that these initiatives will allow the community to earn from exports and retail on the local market and posited that through support, the community will be able to build eco-lodges, thereby offering more accommodation opportunities in the promotion of their tourism product, the release noted.

 “We will reap the fruits of our labour”, the President urged, adding, “Let us plant the seeds now of a resilient story for a sustainable future of this community.”

He also urged residents to form a committee to identify persons who want to be trained as beekeepers, with the promise that the government will provide the necessary safety gear, equipment, and training, along with 25 beehives to start honey production.

Under this initiative, the President pointed out, the community can have honey that is beautifully packaged and retailed to tourists who visit. He also announced that the Ministry of Agriculture will coordinate with the community and use the local workforce to clean the creek twice a year with the first cleaning to commence shortly. He also assured residents of government’s continued support.

“Today, as a Government, we want to support you in ensuring we build a sustainable community. One in which you can have the best possible future and realise dreams and aspirations.”

Development for all

During his remarks, President Ali explained that the quest of his government is to bring empowerment to Guyanese in every community, by creating viable long-term economic solutions.

“No community is too small for the President to engage. At the end of the day, it is our collective effort that would help Guyana rise and bring Guyana into the place we want to be globally.” He announced that on Friday, a team would return to the community to conduct a medical outreach to screen persons for eye-related illnesses, cervical cancer, and other medical issues.

 During yesterday’s engagement, President Ali also witnessed the distribution of the “Because We Care” cash grant for school children, the release added.