Did the story of Anuradha Khatoon feature at DDL’s gift of rum to CARICOM for 50 years?

Dear Editor,

The man who killed Anuradha Khatoon was reportedly drunk and did not want anybody to tell him about the wonderful product that CARICOM is proud of as they go into their 50 year anniversary.  CARICOM is proud of the alcohol industry, the legacy of the enslavers according to other media reports. On the day that police arrested the man who killed Anuradha Khatoon, President Ali was hoping that more alcohol could be sold by CARICOM through collaborations.

Did the story of Anuradha Khatoon make it to the celebration of DDL’s gift of rum to CARICOM for 50 years? CARICOM and President Ali and alcohol advocates though have no collaborations or things in place to deal with the devastation caused by alcohol in Guyana, the Caribbean and Latin America.

There are no reports in CARICOM’s 50 years, of a reduction in the burden on the health, justice and social sectors caused by alcohol, or of any serious work being done to heal from the legacy of alcohol. There are just more stories of alcohol sales and increasing profits and attempts to win awards along the stories of death and injury.

Yours sincerely,

Vidyaratha Kissoon