PNCR is now the proverbial Solomonic baby

Dear Editor,

When the wise, King Solomon of the Holy Bible had to preside over a disputed baby, he said to the two women claiming to be the mother that the solution to the problem was to cut the baby in half. The real mother of the baby begged the king not to kill it but instead give the child to the other woman.

Today, the PNCR is that proverbial baby.

When tested, one may have to give up the thing that belongs to them in order to save it. In the case of the controversy facing the PNCR, one should give up the thing they think is theirs.

The woman that did not mind if the baby were cut in half made the wise king know that she was not the mother of the child.

My heart aches for my party the PNCR as it is being reduced to a political organisation forcibly being manned by an individual that cares less if it becomes so fractured that the damage will be irreparable.

I do not care about the less than a hundred on social media ruthlessly attacking anyone with an opposing view on this unfortunate saga. I see today that some of our own can be as nasty, horrible, hateful and dangerous as those who support the PPP regime.

Yet, while I cannot be seen as guilty of this, I admit that it appears questionable to some that days before Congress some in the party are speaking out and making decisions they should have made ages ago. That in itself gives the supporters of the embattled and unwanted leader a sort of fierce motivation to fight his corner. The record will reflect that in my case, this fight has been ongoing for the longest time. I hold steadfast to my convictions in this fight no matter how unpopular I become in the eyes of a few of our supporters. Those in contest for the leadership appear opportunistic because they were slow to beat the iron until the moment of challenge for leadership. I have nothing personal to gain from whoever wins. My work is to see the back of the PPP and my greatest concern is that the PNCR is not destroyed as a result of this “war”.

I hold no brief against the faction of our supporters that are fired up on behalf of the embattled leader. We may have our differences now but must unite to confront the greater enemy. However, the crass, disrespectful and hateful will be permanently removed from this platform. I urge that our exchanges remain heated but civil. Some wounds do not heal.

Long live the PNCR.


Norman Browne

Social and Political Activist