The AFC squandered its goodwill

Dear Editor,

When the Alliance for Change (AFC) was formed there was great hope for the Guyanese nation because of the promise of breaking race voting whereby Indian Guyanese vote for the PPP and African Guyanese vote for the PNCR. The AFC promised not to join forces with the PPP nor PNCR both of whom were perceived as race based. Yet, the AFC opportunistically joined forces with the PNCR to get into power. Can the AFC be revived or even be resuscitated? Should it be?

The AFC has squandered political goodwill.

The vast majority of Guyanese do not trust the AFC. This time not long time. There is a new savvy electorate. Gone are the days when people just trust what their leaders says. With the advent of social media people can check “facts” as opposed to zombie like following what their leaders says.

No longer are people subjected to one set of information. Those politicians who says “Do not question your Leaders” are living in a bygone age. Those politicians who says “People who question them are mischief makers” are living in a bygone age. These days, Guyanese now understand that they can and should question their Leaders in the interest of accountability, transparency and good governance.


Sean Ori