Trinidad cops probe sex link to nurse’s murder

Sadna Gangoo
Sadna Gangoo

(Trinidad Express) Police  have viewed explicit sex videos as they investigate the murder of nurse and beauty pageant contestant Sadna Gangoo.

At least one of the videos which has been circulating on social media shows two women and two men. One of the women is believed to be Gangoo.

In the days before her death, Gangoo, 44, had told work colleagues, relatives and the police that people wanted to kill her.

At the scene of her murder near the Princes Town District Health Facility on Wednesday, three of her relatives said they knew why she was targeted, but declined to speak for fear of also becoming victims.

One of the sex videos involved two men—one, a businessman’s grandson; and the other, a State employee.

One person who spoke to the Express yesterday under strict anonymity said the registered nurse and contestant in the local leg of the Mrs India Worldwide competition was leading a double life and felt unsafe.

“She didn’t live a very nice life but she was a nice person,” the person said.

A source said the police attempted to serve a summons on Tuesday on a person who had threatened Gangoo with death over one of the ­videos.

Gangoo was yesterday described as an independent person who was able to rise from an underprivileged life. The registered nurse was also a proprietor. She possessed several items of jewelry and other accessories and when thieves broke into her home back in 2021, footage from the camera in her bedroom helped officers in their investigation.

Gangoo became a mother as a teenager and, her now 26-year-old son was her only child. She was twice married and her second husband died in 2019, days after he fell out of a maxi-taxi while trying to close the door. Gangoo was said to be hit hard by his death. Gangoo was described as a helpful person who loved her two grandchildren.

On Wednesday, Gangoo, of Fairfield Road, Princes Town, was shot in the head after she left her workplace at the Princes Town District Health Facility. She was about to enter her BMW which was parked around the corner from the hospital located at Circular Street.

Police say that around 4 p.m. she walked to her car, and was about to get in when a man stepped out of a silver-coloured Nissan Tiida and shot her in the head. She fell into a culvert.

Police later found a silver-coloured Tiida abandoned in Fair Field Road, Princes Town. A pair of gloves and a balaclava were found inside. This car and Gangoo’s vehicle were taken to the Special Evidence Recovery Unit for processing.

Several people commented on social media following Gangoo’s death. Many offered condolences, while others blamed the Government and the police. One person stated, “She knows why she was targeted yes,” while another said that soon the whole story will be revealed.

Pageant organisers

extend condolences

In a statement yesterday, Pageant Worldwide TT extended condolences to Gangoo’s family. It said, “We at the Miss India Worldwide Trinidad and Tobago Pageant are shocked and pained by the tragic death of Sadna Gangoo. As a delegate in the Mrs category, she was always polite and hardworking and showed good progress during her short journey with us.

On Wednesday, the South West Regional Health Authority also offered condolences in a release in which it stated that security measures had been strengthened and professional counselling had been made available to employees.